盒子拼圖 EnigmBoxv1.5.3 最新游戲
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盒子拼圖 EnigmBoxv1.5.3

盒子拼圖 EnigmBox
  • 應(yīng)用平臺:IOS
  • 應(yīng)用大小:67M
  • 更新時(shí)間:2015-04-10 15:32
  • 應(yīng)用版本:v1.5.3
  • 應(yīng)用語言:簡體中文
  • 應(yīng)用等級:3級
  • 應(yīng)用授權(quán):免費(fèi)
  • 官方網(wǎng)址:暫無
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《盒子拼圖 EnigmBox》是一款獲得了"EIGD"創(chuàng)意獎的游戲,它是一種最原始的游戲,如果你知道流行的游戲"望文生義",你一定會喜歡這個(gè)游戲。

Now this amazing experience is available on iPhone and iPad.

The rules are very simple. You have to think outside the box to solve puzzles to collect all hearts in each level.

This game plays different from your average puzzle game. Use all iPhone functionalities: move it, touch it, take pictures, capture videos, plug accessories, use location service, use all buttons and phone properties.

Top games Family: #11 France #5 Urugay

Top games Puzzle : #11 France #21 Iceland

Everyone can solve those puzzles. Just be a few logical, creative and think outside the box ;).

Some words to describe the game:

Original, surprising, clever, incredible, uncommon, never seen before, amazing, varied, creative, poetic, fun, enigmatic, addictive, outside the box...

Test the game for FREE. You can unlock a lot of puzzles for FREE. Just by watching short videos.

54 puzzles available, from the easiest puzzle to the most ""creative"". For long moment of thinking and pleasure.

Tips and walkthrought on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/enigmbox

Qutos & Reviews:

"Once in a while a puzzler comes alone that is just so beautiful & addictive, ..." 4/5 - knowthyapp.com

"EnigmBox really pushes you to think unconventionally, and this is why I especially recommend this game." - 5/5 - theiphoneappreview.com

16/20 - Tablette.com

4/5 - powerapp.jp

Quotes & Reviews, Web version named "Take Something Literally":

* "You will experience some "ah-HAH!" moments..." JayIsGames.com

* "This wonderful combination of simplicity and abstract thinking is great on its own."

* "We accept to play Take something literally 2, eyes closed, without even knowing what it is." Ecrans.fr

* "The Take Something Literally series has some of the most original, fun puzzles of any I've ever played. 5/5" on Kongregate.com

* "Everything about this game is amazing." jeje.net

Awards, web version:

* Selected as Game of the Week by Kongregate.com and JayIsGames.com.

* Selected by King.com, ArmorGames.com, ...

Congratulations! You just found the code:

Code: greatgame



盒子拼圖 EnigmBoxv1.5.3





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